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Coverage in


With coverage in 13 states, 106 municipalities and 23,564 neighborhoods, we ensure that your merchandise arrives in record time. Check delivery times and coverage.


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Ecatepec de Morelos

To find out the extent of coverage in each province, click on the location icon.

We take care of your deliveries in record time

Check the coverage
and places where we pack

We adapt to your needs

We know how important it is to be at the forefront of the market, which is why we offer you various means of payment.


Cash Payment

Payment by Transfer


Check the payment types according to our coverage in Latin America:


Why it is important
COD payment?

Cash on delivery is the payment method in which
a customer buys a product and enters the address of his destination so that when he receives his product he can pay.

1. Gain more confidence.

This form of payment guarantees the customer to pay when they receive their purchase to their satisfaction, thus generating more confidence

2. Attract more customers

It attracts more public because it gives the certainty of purchase security, since they will pay until they have the product in their hands. 

3. Better shopping experience

ANDThis payment method is the best experience you can give a customer because they will feel safer, more confident and therefore will continue to make more purchases.

4. Wide coverage of potential customers.

One of the characteristics of the consumer is its low bank penetration, with this payment method you reach this segment, in addition to the distrustful.

Why are mobile payments important?

Mobile payments allow you to accept payments for  goods and services from anywhere, either through a mobile TVP or mobile devices such as a smartphone or tablet.

1. Cost reduction

Opting for mobile payments can help you cut expenses in a number of ways. You will not have to buy expensive POS equipment, paper or ink, because you can send receipts by email. 

2. Improvement of cash flow 

You have money faster and, since customers only need to have their mobile on hand to pay, you are more likely to receive payments from customers who prefer to pay with their mobile wallets. 

3. Greater convenience for customers

Customers will be able to complete their purchases even if they have left their wallet at home.

4. Greater payment security

Mobile payment apps use encrypted or protected code designed to shield customers' personal data.

logistics and transportation in Mexico
logistics and transport

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