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Coverage in


We take care of your shipments, we deliver on time

With coverage in 24 departments and the constitutional province of Callao, 96 provinces and 528 districts, we ensure that your merchandise arrives on time. Check delivery times and coverage.


logistics and transportation in peru

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We adapt to your needs

We know how important it is to be at the forefront of the market, which is why we offer you various means of payment.


Cash Payment

Payment by Transfer


Payment with POS

supply chain

Payment by Application


Why it is important
COD payment?

Cash on delivery is the payment method in which
a customer buys a product and enters the address of his destination so that when he receives his product he can pay.

1. Gain more confidence.

This form of payment guarantees the customer to pay when they receive their purchase to their satisfaction, thus generating more confidence

2. Attract more customers

It attracts more public because it gives the certainty of purchase security, since they will pay until they have the product in their hands. 

3. Better shopping experience

ANDThis payment method is the best experience you can give a customer because they will feel safer, more confident and therefore will continue to make more purchases.

4. Wide coverage of potential customers.

One of the characteristics of the consumer is its low bank penetration, with this payment method you reach this segment, in addition to the distrustful.


Make your business grow with an experience in Integral Logistics.

Get your orders delivered the same day and simplify your processes with our logistics.

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